Entry advice
Entry Advice
The awards are free to enter and close on 7 June at 5pm
Entry Process
In keeping with previous years, the UKBA entry form now begins with a 100 word "why we deserve to win..." declaration, and we have broken the process after this down to make it easier.
Every category now has individual questions that require answers of a maximum of 250 words each. Please note that judges will only read up to the word count limit for each section. You will gain no advantage by writing at greater length.
You are strongly encouraged to share precise metrics with the judges to stand the best chance of success.
All information remains entirely confidential and will not be shared with any third parties - other than the judges - and will not be published by InfoPro Digital without your express permission.
Most categories have three sections to complete; however, some have four and this is clearly marked in the category description. For example, the Digital Broker Award category entry form asks the following:
- Name of company or companies being entered for the award. [Note: This is how your company/companies will be written if shortlisted]
- Your 100 word "why we deserve to win..." declaration
- The objective/s of your diversity and inclusion strategy (max 250 words)
- How the goal/s were met (max 250 words)
- The results/outcomes of the strategy (max 250 words)
- Testimonials (max 250 words)
Please note for the majority of categories supporting material is optional | 3 documents maximum | Limit for uploads is 2MB
>> If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Entries should tell the story of your achievement in whichever category or categories you are entering.
You should read the entry criteria for the categories you are interested in carefully and ensure that you are entering the most appropriate categories.
Each category states who is eligible to enter. The vast majority are open to any FCA-regulated general insurance broker or independent intermediary operating in the UK general insurance market.
You may enter more than one project or programme in a category. Joint entries are permitted and this should be clearly stated on the entry form. However, the judges reserve the right to assess if an entry really is a joint effort.
You may also enter the same project or programme into more than one category if it fits more than one criteria, but be warned: the lazy duplication of entries without no or minimal changes may count against you. The multiple entries would need to be tailored to the relevant categories.
Only entries submitted using the standard online entry form will be accepted.
Covering Statement & Evidence
Your 100 word "why we deserve to win..." declaration and your word statements answering the questions thereafter can refer to background material (see below) that has been included. However please remember the entry should be able to stand on its own, and that this material should merely support the submission. As such the statement and evidence should first "wet the appetite" and then "tell a story" that backs this up.
In recent years judges have seen declarations that fail to engage and statements that only really get to the point towards the end. This is one of the key reasons that the evidential part of the submission form is split into easily defined areas to help respondents focus on the questions at hand.
Another drawback of some entries in previous years has been the failure to include clear and measurable evidence of achievement or explanation of why the achievement is significant or innovative. The judges are harsh on entries that do not include a clear statement of objectives and targets supported by evidence that these targets were reached.
Sometimes, for example with training, the targets may be to match externally set standards. If so, these should be stated with an indication of how achievement of those targets has been measured. In other categories, business growth may be the target: again, this should be clear and the achievement of it demonstrated in measurable terms.
When entering "of the year" categories, the judges are expecting to review matters that have come to fruition (i.e. with measurable results) over the previous 12-18 months. All the information contained in the entries and marked confidential will remain so, and will not be released without the permission of the entrant.
Supporting evidence - which may include designed PDFs - is certainly allowed (see below), but in the name of fairness and equality, all entries must initially stick to using the entry form, and include any supplementary information including charts, graphs, photos and info-boxes in the supporting material NOT the declaration or statement.
Any supporting figures or third-party commendations should be robust and able to stand up to scrutiny by the judges if required.
Supporting Material
In most categories supporting material is optional. But the most important point to focus on when preparing any background material and supporting evidence is that it is quality and relevance that matter, not quantity.
So if a marketing campaign's success is being partially judged on the media coverage it achieved, include links to examples of that coverage.
Research documents, customer brochures, staff newsletters and training manuals all help demonstrate to the judges in a practical way what the entrant has achieved and should be included where relevant. The panel of judges will also review relevant websites so full addresses and access codes should be provided.
However, superfluous documents and PDFs which add nothing will more than likely harm the chances of a submission, rather than support it, and are not advised. Also in order to focus your mind on which supporting evidence is most relevant there is a limit of 3 attachments as a maximum to what can be included.
We are here to help! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Jonathan Swift, Director of Content, Insurance Division on Jonathan.swift@infopro-digital.com
Pick your categories and start your entries now.
Good Luck!